Lantern Illumination - Anindita O2C

Still located in Batu City, Malang, there is a recreation site which tourists must not skip to visit. Further away from congestion experienced during day time, it is a right choice to spend the long night there; the place only opens from 15.00 to 24.00. Named after the city, Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) will give the visitors distinctive memories to bring.
There are many attractions offered to people of any group of ages, so it is clear that families are welcome to BNS. However, amongst them there is one attraction site that is very recommendable for tourists – especially who are coming from outside of East Java – since it is only present at BNS: lantern garden. There in lantern garden, people can enjoy the colorful bright illumination even to the corners of the area; yet, the illumination is getting more attractive since the lanterns covered it have genuine shapes of objects found in our daily life (e.g. cartoons, animals, well known architectures).
The brightness comes is not only or those who are with the family and relatives, couples can pick up BNS as one choice to have a romantic moment. To give it a proof, the lantern garden have created a certain spot where there is a decoration of many heart lanterns and a four-syllable giant lantern together formed ‘LOVE’ word contrast in pink color that represents romantic emotion.
Another special spot of lantern garden is the small pool where bright lanterns formed in aquatic animals and plants floating. The collection of reflection of illumination on the water brings very pleasant night view in BNS. Only with ten thousands rupiah to get an entrance ticket to BNS, visitors are enabled to take pictures as many as they please but cannot touch or ride on the lanterns.

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